• Work together to share experiences and learning on the management and promotion of successful bird fairs.
  • Support and develop national and international events related to sustainable tourism, especially focused on the observation of birds and nature.
  • Encourage bird fairs to promote and support bird conservation and international cooperation on conservation efforts.
  • Recognise the climate emergency as a huge threat to life on Earth and encourage exhibitors, especially those involved in promoting tourism, to develop and demonstrate how the impact of their businesses is being ameliorated by off-setting, supporting local conservation initiatives and sustainable development.

Identify and promote good practices in birding tourism, that demonstrate sustainable support to local, especially rural, economies and communities.

Ensure that the bird fairs themselves can reduce their own environmental impact through recycling of materials, reduction of waste and other measures.

Generate a demand for sustainable tourism through the activities of birding and watching wildlife.

Identify and make contact with different local and international fairs, shows, festivals and birding events.

Promote links and relations between birding tourism and conservation organisations in order to strengthen the positive benefits of this type of tourism.

Analyse and review the trends of birding tourism and its contribution to sustainable development.

Generate experiences and create alliances in areas of birding tourism. Based on the promotion, knowledge of the market and the exchange of best practice.

Meet the needs of governments and organisations on themes related to ecotourism, implemented policies for conservation in their strategies.

Promote alliances between the public and private sectors.

Encourage government to recognise ecotourism, especially birding tourism, as a high priority.

Raise the profile of WBC in the tourism sector.